There is an infinite number of things on the list of home maintenance responsibilities, some are trivial while others might be of extreme importance. Trying to ensure that your home is well kept might seem like an uphill battle against nature, but keeping a firm hand on your property will surely be worth your effort over the long run.
When it comes to the condition of your home’s paint, it is important to realize the vital role it plays in the overall aesthetics of your property. Since paint is not only for decorative purposes, but also for the protection of your home, you might want to take a thoughtful look to see if it is time to repaint your home or not.
Here are some ways to tell if the time has come for you to repaint your home:
1.You haven't painted in 5 years
Although a top quality coating product like Duraklad can last up to 12 years, it is best practice to do a maintenance coat on all walls at least every 5 years. This will minimize the risk of unwanted defects that might occur and also keep your home’s walls at the best level of protection. In most cases maintenance coatsonly needs to be 1 coat (unless the home is being repainted to a completely different colour).
2. Cracks are appearing and multiplying
Often times when a lesser quality top coat was used on the walls, it won’t be able to accommodate any hairline cracks. This is mostly because of the lack of elasticity and durability in the paint film. Newly built homes are very prone to all sorts of cracking, especially within the first 2 years of being built.
When the paint fails to compensate for these cracks, it can result in the complete failure of the paint film. When these cracks start to multiply and worsen, it is highly advisable to properly treat these cracks and then repaint the surfaces with a top quality coating.
3. Fungal growth on walls
Certain locations (especially coastal regions) are very prone to fungal growth on the exterior of a house. If left untreated, the fungal growth can get worse at a rapid rate. Luckily it is very easy to spot fungal growth and stop it in its tracks.
All contaminated walls should be treated with an anti-fungal wash and repainted with a premium quality anti-fungal paint, such as Duraklad. This will minimize the risk of the fungal growth coming back.
4. Discolouring and chalking
Chalking is not always easy to notice, but when you run your hand over the wall you will pick up if it is chalky. If it leaves a white chalky residue on your hand, it is a sure sign of chalking.
Discolouring is also a problem that usually goes hand in hand with chalking. If your home is showing signs of these defects, repainting would be the most logical and advisable step to take.
5. Not happy with the look anymore
As the years go by things tend to change, including your taste and preferences. The colours that used to excite you might be the last thing you want to look at now. As mentioned previously, one of the main purposes of paint is to improve the visual aesthetic of your home. This can be a very valid reason for you to consider changing things up and give your home a completely new look, something that excites you again.