Peeling paint is a very common problem that can arise after a a substrate has been painted. It can instantly turn a building into a very unattractive structure! Peeling paint can make any building look like it is going downhill and becoming dilapidated.

The main reason for paint peeling is due to a loss of adhesion between the painted surface and the paint itself. A lot of factors can cause the loss of adhesion, including the following:

Poor Preparation

As with a lot of other problems and defects with paint, poor preparation is often to blame. Surfaces should always be even, clean and dry before any paint is applied. Always prime surfaces (where needed) before a top coat gets applied. Also keep in mind that paint doesn’t like sticking to dirty/oily/greasy surfaces.

High Temperatures & Sunlight:

A painted surface which gets constantly exposed to high temperatures and direct sunlight, is often at risk of peeling. It is also important not to paint a surface while it is extremely hot, as the paint will have a lot less adhesion.

Wrong Paint Used:

Using the right paint is absolutely essential to the longevity and effectiveness of the paint on the surface. If you want to avoid having paint peel off within a few months, be sure to use a premium quality product (this will save you a lot of money in the long run). Make sure you are using the correct type of paint for the surface (eg. not painting an acrylic paint over a surface previously painted with enamel). You would also want to make sure if you will need to add primer to the surface before repainting.

Surface Exposed to Condensation & Water:

Areas like bathroom ceilings and walls are highly susceptible to flaking. Paint layers can separate and detach from the substrate when water penetrates through the paint coats. The humidity in a poorly ventilated bathroom can easily lead to paint peeling, because of the moisture build-up. The damp environment will promote the growth of mold, which eventually will cause flaky and peeling paint.

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